About Us

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Hi there. We’re UX Storytellers, or at least the administrative part behind this project — my friends Stephen, Jutta and Iris, who are helping me get the idea off the ground, and myself: Jan.

Jan Jursa

Jan Jursa

Editor in Chief
Czech Language Ambassador


Stephen Köver

Stephen Köver

Senior Editor
English Language Ambassador


Jutta Grünewald

Jutta Grünewald

Developmental Editor
Language Specialist


Iris Jagow

Iris Jagow

Book Design
Typography and Pre-Print
German Language Ambassador

About This Blog

This blog is a companion to the UX Storytellers project. You will find everything that's currently going on, what has happened so far and what is planned for the future.

Learn through storytelling

The best way to learn is through listening to stories. The best way to teach is through telling stories. Are you a UX Expert with stories to tell? We would love to hear your story.

Famous Quotes

The universe is made of stories, not atoms.
Muriel Rukeyser

There have been great societies that did not use the wheel, but there have been no societies that did not tell stories. Ursula K. LeGuin