Kevin Connolly on Storytelling
Monday, November 15, 2010
This is a short but interesting read: An interview with musician Kevin Connolly on storytelling.
As marketers, I think it’s important for us to get other perspectives on what storytelling is, how it moves us, and how to create a story that really connects with an audience. Which is why we’re publishing a series of posts that feature artists and others outside of the marketing world who provide their own unique perspective on the storytelling craft. After all, the very best ads, websites and videos tell great stories that captivate and move us – and while we may not pick up a guitar to sing our stories here at Captains (well, Captain Jean does), there’s a lot that we can learn from musicians and other artists.
This is my favourite part... Question: Do you find a story, or does the story find you? Answer: I want to fool myself into thinking that I am making everything up on the spot. Most of the time, though, the story does find you.